Lego Tales: Noah's Toy Story Minifigs

We got Noah this Lego Toy Story 3 train set two Christmases ago (Christmas 2010). As you can see, he's got the real Lego minifigs of Rex, Woody, Buzz, Jessie and Bullseye.

But just a month later (January 2011), he decided to make his own Toy Story mini-figures out of Lego bricks!

I could not fathom why he would make minifigs out of Lego bricks when he had the actual ones.

Then again, maybe I shouldn't have been surprised. Because more than 2 years ago, even though he had an actual Buzz Lightyear costume...

... He still begged Isabella to make him Andy's cardboard box Buzz costume.

He drew the purple stripes himself with his crayon.

And played pretend-Buzz (or was it pretend-Andy?) for hours after.

I have to say that I love how Toy Story creations made out of cardboard and Lego bricks can bring just as much joy as the real thing!

Photos are mostly my own edited with pixlr except for the one from here and the Toy Story backgrounds on the pages of one of Noah's scrapbooks. I never meant for the scrapbook pages to get published so I didn't take note of the source. If you know where it's from, please email me so I can give due credit.

Click here for previous posts from the Lego Tales series. Click here for the down-in-the-dots version of this post.
